You're absolutely spot-on with how tired we musicians are of dealing with social media. The effort and time it demands for the stingy results it's always allowed have been a growing beef for years; and it's reached a tipping point.

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SoundCloud’s profitability is interesting because just a few years ago they were on the brink of bankruptcy

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They were, but arguably for quite good reasons - ie. focus was all on growth, revenue was unclear... it was the classic "propped up by VC money" situation. Since then they've moved into a more sensible model.

Hence my point about Spotify - curious what they will do in 2024 to deliver profit (beyond laying off staff).

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Seems like the last few years has been trying to push people to cheaper audio (eg podcasts, audiobooks) but that hasn’t seemed to work. I feel they eat a ton of cost on discounted subscriptions, which the labels likely still get their normal keep on. My guess is they will have to get away from that

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